CEG’s Dust Control Baffles (DCB’s), also known as Dust Suppression Baffles, are a gravity-actuated, mechanical dust control baffle system. Dust Control Baffles can be quickly built, modified, and adapted to most any truck and rail receiving hopper and pit or dump hopper used in unloading grain, ores, and a myriad of other dry granular bulk raw materials. Our baffles utilize a pivoting gate developed more than 20 years ago specifically for reducing fugitive dust emissions. DCB’s, also known as receiving hopper baffles, dump pit baffles, or dust suppression baffles have been used as a successful fugitive dust mitigation solution for all types of bulk material handling applications including, but not limited to, rail car dump hoppers, truck dump hoppers, rail car receiving pits, truck unloading receiving pits, wharf hoppers and all types of chutes handling dry granular bulk raw materials. Dust emissions from materials such as grains, feeds, powders, phosphate, cement. clinker, ores, meals, and custom applications to suit the specific needs of the client have all been cost-effectively reduced utilizing some form of the dust control baffles manufactured here in the USA by Controlled Environments Group, LLC.
Receiving Hopper Baffles for Dust Control and Dust Suppression

A Dust Control Baffle installation consists of a set of baffle modules that fill the open face of a receiving hopper or dump hopper. Each module contains a set of pivoting gates to allow the material to gravity-flow through it unimpeded and down to the receiving and transfer area below. Since the baffles are gravity actuated this means there are no power requirements for our customers to worry about when they choose to incorporate our Dust Control Baffles as a reliable component to their existing or new grain elevator management program.
The dust generated from material falling into the receiving hopper or dump pit cannot escape because the hopper is only open where the material is entering through the baffles. The face area of the receiving hopper, where the material is not entering, is effectively sealed off reducing dust escape over the area not in use. A 70% to 80% reduction in fugitive dust emission can be realized by the use of CEG’s Dust Control Baffles alone. The remaining 20% to 30% can be removed by the use of a dust collector and exhaust fan that can also be reduced by 70% to 80% in size due to the use of Dust Control Baffles. Contact Us for information and a brief discussion on how we can quickly and cost-effectively solve your receiving hopper fugitive dust emission issue.
Tests and studies by the Oklahoma State University Stored Products Research and Education Center show that gravity-actuated mechanical baffles significantly reduce dust emissions in truck dump hoppers and receiving pits. Dust Control Baffles and Dust Suppression Baffles are always considered a must have in any grain elevator facility design or grain management program because they are the first line of defense in preventing grain dust explosions in grain elevators.